I don't have all the answers. In fact, the truly faithful answer to some questions is "I just don't know," and that is the faithful answer. I, like others, am on a journey when it comes to the theology and philosophy of suffering. In this little message are some ideas that may be of use to those exploring this topic, particularly those who follow Jesus. It seems to me in our attempt to worship God, we sometimes think of Him as Sovereign in a twisted way, almost like a dictator with absolute power, micro managing everything and every detail of the world. But that would be a world without free will, a world we humans didn't choose (I suspect humans, angels, demons, and creatures have varied degrees of free will and arguably nature itself). This means troubles will come for not all use free will for good or in a way that doesn't have lasting negative consequences. There is a world of variables. There are good things and bad things. There is a war between light ...
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