The Light that Remains

I feel heavy.

A sadness swept over me.

Life is short.

We know not the day, nor the hour.

A world in turmoil.

A pain in my soul.

The candle is burning low.

This will all be over one way or another.

I seek your peace.

A peace the world couldn't give.

You have eternity in your hands.

When the lights of the world go out

- Your light remains.

Light of the world

Take my burdens.

Light of the world 

Though days are numbered fill them with love.

Light of the world 

We will see you soon enough.

Light of the world

You still calm the raging sea!

Light of the world 

Your light is eternal.
Your peace is eternal.
You are eternal.
Your light remains.



This Weeks Top of the Posts

Take Heart: A Catechism

Three Sixteen

From a Scream to a Whisper

Spurgeon for Peace!

Rise Against the Arms Trade

Three Prayers

Coronation Day Blog Post: May We Lead A Quiet Peaceable Life

Love, love, love