Rise Against the Arms Trade

For the preservation of our species and to stop bombs being dropped on families and communities it seems sensible we remove the problem. Particularly when said bombs target civilians, journalists, aid and medical personnel. 

Either we remove from the equation governments who support this practice, those willing to use said weapons, or those who make such weapons. Or all the above. Or we sit back and allow, as we have for generations, them to terrorise the people. To kill and mame the elderly, men, women, children and innocent babies. To destroy schools, hospitals, and places of worship or community. To destroy entire families and communities. To obliterate nations. 

If they do it under the pretenses of just war or open terrorism is of no import to those who suffer under the reign of fire. 

My personal vendetta is against the arms trade and governments who sit in the pockets of these violators of humanity. These death peddlers need to be stopped. They are enemies of the people, enemies of God, enemies of love. Nonviolent resistance, changes in the law or agents at arms? Someone will have to act. My hope is the first two of course. For violence only breeds more violence. Therefore it is not an option.

How can no one act? How can people be silent? They have all the physical fire power, but we have the love of humanity in our hearts. We are the force to be reckoned with not them. Let us lay waste to their evil empires. No one has the right to make us live in fear!

The Saudi war on Yemen is a prime example of the wickedness of governments and arms dealers. Of course we can all think of other examples fairly easily. I know a letter to an MP, a petition or some other small token of opposition to evil is but a drop in the ocean. But, it is a start! And my goodness we need to start! If not for the sake of conscience, then the sake of humanity!

Below is but one action we can do now, there are lots more out there to be done:

Stop Arming Saudi - Email your MP


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