Ares or Christós?

What if we aren't the "goodies" after all? 
What if propaganda from all sides of all conflicts reveals a darker truth? 
There are no heroes only villains and their victims. The broken cisterns of this world are truly overflowing. 
There are no righteous, no not one! 
There never have been, for all our supposed righteousness is as filthy rags.
It is a sad reality that so many, even those of the faith, seem to effectively kneel before Ares. 
This idolatry of violence and war is in such contrast to worshiping at the feet of the Prince of Peace. 
Sometimes it feels as if the entire world is marching toward destruction and chaos. 
Worst of all is that we know the mistakes made in our histories, but we seem to learn nothing from history (other than that we learn nothing). 
We do it all again and again. 
Sin after sin.
When posterity comes to judge us will they look upon the arms trade unchecked, the governments unhindered in iniquity and the vast lands of earth bursting into flame? 
Or will they look and see a people who voiced against the arms trade, the war mongers and the hell fire worshippers?
Either way, it is hard to not get depressed. 
But, take heart peaceful brothers and sisters (or those who are unpeaceful but on the cusp of repentance).
Though this dark night of evil brings such bitter sorrow, joy comes in the morning. 
That morning will come and swords will be of no use, for the learning of war will be no more.
Swords will be ploughs and spears will be pruning hooks.
Will it happen before or after the King arrives? 
God knows the answer to that one.
For only He knows the day and the hour.
But, what if instead of trying to fulfill the rapture racket people get on board with what the God of love whose gospel is peace is doing?
All creation is groaning in birth pains.
All things become new.

Let us heed the encouragement given by Adin Ballou:
"The earth, so long a slaughter field, Shall yet an Eden bloom. The tiger to the lamb shall yield, And war descend the tomb."

Choose this day who you will serve!
Will you kneel to Ares or Christós?
O Lord, let it be Christós!


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