My Neurodiversity Journey

 I am Autistic and that is OK: I was always considered shy, sometimes "painfully shy", then I did a personality test at church that stated I was also an INFJ Introvert. In time I discovered through other personality tests that I was also both a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) and an Empath. It didn’t stop there though, during Covid I went to a Mental Health nurse who said I had Social Anxiety. Then I was finally diagnosed with what was once called Aspergers, High Functioning Autism, Level 1 Autism or Mild Autism. Generally these days it is known as Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) due to the baggage other labels sometimes carry. I'm not sure where things go from here. It is a late diagnosis, but in a way explains so much. I don't believe this is a disorder, disease or demon. It is merely a difference, a neurodivergence. If people do wish to pray things away, may it be abelism in our society that they turn the fight against. Prayer for tools to manage life are certainly fine too. It seems much of my personality traits and the anxiety were just aspects of the condition. Even my shyness, dislike of crowds and noise are likely part of the condition. Anyway, I am Autistic and that is OK.

  Audio version.


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