Take Heart: A Catechism

Take Heart

A Catechism

By David Holdsworth 

Authors Note:

There are many good Catechisms available. But, somewhere along the line Christians in many parts of the church at large seem to have lost this age old practice of simple instruction in the format of questions and answers. In no way is this little contribution meant to take away from good Catechisms already written, but rather to be a compliment to them. This is a simple way for me to share the good news with others. It is my hope that you the reader or listener may find biblical help from the simplicity of the good news. I have included biblical proofs as standard so you may go and examine the scriptures (and indeed your heart) for yourself. Pax et Bonum.

(1) Q. What comfort may be found for the believer?

A. A heart that need not have trouble or fear. One that can rely on God in troubled times and that can glorify His name. 

Proofs. John 14:27, Psalm 46:1, Psalm 50:15

(2) Q. What message does scriptures give to those still under the weight of sin?

A. Come. Come lay your burden down. Come find rest and be sustained by the Lord.

Proofs. Matthew 11:28, Psalm 55:22

(3) Q. What is the significance of the reoccurring shepherd analogy in scriptures?

A. The Lord, God is the shepherd. He is our maker and all His people are the sheep of His pasture. But, all we the sheep went astray turning each to our own ways. The shepherd rescues His sheep by taking the iniquity of us all.

Proofs. Psalm 23:1, Psalm 100:3, Isaiah 53:6

(4) Q. What does the scriptures say concerning the Son?

A. God loved the world so much he gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Those that do not believe the Son do not yet have life.

Proofs: John 3:16, John 3:36

(5) Q. Who has sinned against God?

A. None can truthfully say they by nature have a pure Heart or are pure from all sin. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

Proofs: Proverbs 20:9, Romans 3:23

Q. If we are all sinful then what hope have we?

A. God commends His love to us in that despite our sins Christ died for us. He took all our sins in his own body on the cross and three days after defeated death by rising again. Jesus is the resurrection and the life if we believe in Him we have everlasting life.

Proofs: Romans 5:8, 1 Peter 2:24, 1 Corinthians 15:3,4, John 11:25

(7) Q. How should I respond to this act of sacrificial love?

A. If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your Heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the Heart one believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Proofs: Romans 10:9,10

(8) Q. What must be done with the burden of my sins?

A. In confessing our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive all our sins. 

Proofs: 1 John 1:9

(9) Q. Is there a special sinners prayer I need to say?

A. There is a few prayers used by some Christians as sinners prayers, prayers of decision or prayers for salvation. These are evangelistic tools and not salvation itself. A person who says such a prayer is not necessarily saved. Though might be in some circumstances according to the will of God. A person may also find salvation with no knowledge of such a prayer. However, scripture does provide a collection of prayers that may suit a seekers condition at the point of desiring forgiveness and salvation in Christ (see Proofs). Good advice is to simply call on Him to be merciful to you a sinner. Recognise in the moment the troubling of your Heart and seek Him to deliver you. Ask for forgiveness of all your sins. Desire a clean Heart and that He would renew a right spirit within you. Let Him be your helper.

Proofs: Luke 18:13, Psalm 25:17, Psalm 25: 18, Psalm 51:10, Psalm 6:2, Psalm 40:13, Psalm 19:14

(10) Q. I am already a believer what message is there for me?

A. You have eternal life in Christ Jesus, God's own Son. You are part of His family, His child by faith in Christ Jesus. 

Proofs: 1 John 5:11, Galatians 3:26, 1 John 5:13

(11) Q. What counsel is there for those believers who truly love the Lord and are suffering?

A. They are encouraged to pray and to commit the keeping of their souls to God, as unto a faithful Creator. To further be encouraged that the sufferings of the moment are not worthy to be compared with what is to come. If God is for us who and what can truly be against us? All things are working together for good, hard as that may be for us to see. It has not even entered the Heart of man, the things God has in store for those that love Him.

Proofs: James 5:13, 1 Peter 4:19, Romans 8:18, 28, 31, 1 Corinthians 2:9, Psalm 34:6, 7, 19

(12) Q. If I am saved by His Grace through faith in Christ alone, where do works fit in?

A. We may not be saved by works, but we are saved to do them. If we love Him we will seek to obey His commandments. The greatest being to love God and to love others. It is also important not to neglect His word or the call to comfort others.

Proofs: Matthew 22:37, John 14:21, Proverbs 3:1,2, Proverbs 4:20, 21, Matthew 4:4, Luke 11:28, John 17:14, 2 Corinthians 1:4, Proverbs 4:4, Proverbs 17:22

(13) Q. In the words of the philosopher Immanuel Kant, “What may I hope?” 

A. Hope in God. He is worthy of praise. 
Your redeemer is alive and you shall one day see Him face to face, not just as through a glass darkly, but in person.

Proofs: Psalm 42:5, Job 19:25,26

(14) Q. I am a mature believer and I know all this what counsel it there for me?

A. Keep the faith. Wait on God and you shall have strength renewed, be given wings, enabled to run without wearying, to walk and not to faint. The just shall live by faith, having peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. In a troubled world He brings peace for He has overcome the world. He has gone to prepare a place for you and one day you will be with Him.

Proofs: Isaiah 40:31, Hebrews 10:38, Romans 5:1, John 16:33, John 14:2, 3

(15) I belong to God, but am afraid at times, what counsel is there for me?

Take Heart. Be strong in the Lord, let Him be your strength. He made heaven and earth. He is with you always. Even in the shadow of death He is your comforter. Never forget He is your light and your salvation. Rest well in the Lord. 

Proofs: Joshua 1:9, Psalm 23:1, 4, Psalm 27:1, Psalm 121:2, Psalm 4:8



  1. David, I really appreciate you sharing this Q&A. You make these truths so easy to understand for new followers and mature ones alike. So wonderfully spoken.
    Welcome, and Thank you so much for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends monthly link up this month. I hope to see you next month too.

    1. Hi Paula, thanks for your kind feedback. It was my hope to present the gospel in an accessible way. 😊


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