Come in, come now, my love. Come and be reconciled with your Abba

When Adam and Eve, who once literally walked with God, chose to disobey God and end a right relationship with him, they were banished from Eden. Ever since, as a species, we have journeyed east of Eden. 

A big stop sign in angelic form stopped them from entering the garden of God's presence again. It was effectively saying, "Because of your sin, you can't go in."

In the temple age, a similar stop sign blocked the way in the form of a curtain. This curtain blocked the way to the holy of holies. Only the high priest dared enter into his presence to offer atoning sacrifice for the people. The stop sign was still saying, "Because of your sin, you can't go in."

One day, the Father sent his very own son, who chose to be the true and final sacrifice and atonement. The stop sign was ripped from top to bottom. It once said, "Because of your sin, you can't go in." But, now it says,"Come in, come now, my love. Come and be reconciled with your Abba."


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