The Tyrant

He was a world leader. 
To some a liberation.
To others a terrorist. 

He will die one day. 
In the brevity of life, soon. 
His legacy on this earth will be as dust.
All the blood He spilled and money gained never could buy back his soul.
The arms companies and profiteers he thought were friends, thrived off of the sacrifices on his proverbial altars. One day they also will perish.

He taught that citizens could be acceptable losses, collateral damage, killed as a necessary evil.
He didn’t realise the same argument could be made against him and his sponsors. 

The world didn't need, want or like him. In the end as he looked in the mirror he saw evil and he felt the same way. 
What was there to like?

All his empires will be brought to ruin.
Even his body would return to the dust.
Meaningless, Meaningless all so Meaningless.
He had grasped after the wind.
Now his dust would blow there.

~ DTH ~


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