Three Prayers

I have started a project of adapting some of my poems into prayers. This is the first instalment of that project. I will likely adapt it into a book or ebook. Watch this space.


Who has all answers? 
Surely only you.

We often have questions in life.
For many questions the faithful answer is
"I just don't know".
This can be hard for us as we don't have the bigger picture yet.
But, just as we see through the glass dimly one day we will see all things face to face.

We can argue the impact of free will in answer to some questions.
We can argue the power of your infinite light and love to other questions.
But, some of the hardest questions are around the issue of suffering.

In life all your true pilgrims suffer.
Just as all humans.
Some daily.
Yet they inspire us as they worship you in the storms of life, just as your son who wept, but never waivered.

You are not a twisted king.
You are not absolutely power hungry.
You are not a micro-manager.
You are love, and in this is the great mystery.

Free will is our choice and always has been.
Forgive us for misusing it so much at times.
Humans, angels, and demons, creatures and nature. 
We all are free, but with responsibility.

We know troubles come often simply due to free will not being used for good. 
Inevitably this produces serious and often lasting negatives. 
So help us to do our part in being responsible in this world.

We also acknowledge that in this world of variables there are good things and bad, light and darkness.
Often well out of our control.
We just pray that we would be found stood with you as the battle ensues.

We have all seen troubles since the fall.
Freely, and wilfully humans have 
 sinned and we constantly, like lost sheep, trek east of Eden.

Thank you though, that even in wrath you remember mercy. 
You are not all judgement and rage.
It reminds us of the story where a blind man is seen and people ask your son "Who sinned, this man or his parents?"
The response comes that it was neither, but in being born blind he was to be an eye opener.
So Lord, open our eyes that we may see the beauty of your holiness.

Who has all answers? 
The faithful answer is
Only you.

So we lay are questions, our doubts, our struggles, before you at the foot of the suffering saviours cross.


Two Roads

Lord, it is as if two roads have diverged in a dark wood, and I would have taken the broad way to destruction if it weren't for that blinding light. The light of your grace and love. Instead I have been compelled to follow the straight and narrow and your beloved son has made all the difference. 


Inspired by a quote by Robert Frost, the conversion of St Paul and Jesus' teaching of The Way. 

Overcoming Fear

Lord, we are only guests on this earth for a short time.
We are as dust blowing in the sands of time.
Vapour that appears for a time, but fades away.

For such a time as this let us live and love in the light of these truths.
Help us take each moment as a gift.

How lightly we must tread this fine line between life and death.
Help us to honour life's fleeting nature in the light of eternity.

Let us not be indecisive on the main things in this life of brevity.
To decide not to decide is to decide already. 
Therefore let our "yes" be "yes" and "no" be "no".
May your truth be found in us.

It is as if you are saying "Choose now who you will serve."
Let us choose life, let us choose you.
We know our choice, the one who calms our every fear or the one who uses it as a weapon.

As we draw unto you help us to dream big dreams. 
God you put on our hearts such beautiful dreams.
Sadly at times fear stopped us, all our "what ifs" got in the way. 
 If we feel the fear help us do it anyway if the dream is of you.

In all this we recognise, God, you are our refuge and guide.
We need not be anxious for your son has overcome.
The fear fades in the light of his eternity.

He is a lamp unto our feet.
He is a light unto our path.
Let his light shine for us, within us and around us.



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