There is a scream way down deep in my heart and soul. A primitive scream of mourning, anger and pain. A scream that should it erupt would shatter worlds. A scream that if possible would awaken the ancestors and echo into the generations. A scream that would make demons tremble and angels take notice. It is not my scream alone, but a scream of collective force. Fires and floods ravaged the years. War and racial tension shook the earth. Childish leaders oppressed the innocent and child like. The species drained the earth of life and resources. Disease and pestilence attacked the species. 'A pale horse and the one who rides on it is death and hell follows with him.' What can hold back such a scream? In my minds eye I see an empty old rugged cross, an empty tomb, creation groaning in birth pains, hope even in the darkness. In my minds eye the scream becomes a whisper, "Be still all peoples, be still creation, be ...
The lone figure emerges from the mist, his long white beard blows in the wind. A peculiar sight for guard and prisoners alike. Soon more emerge as the old man advances. 7, 14, 21...soon a hundred unarmed saints. 'What do they want?' 'Who are they?' 'Are these the followers of Jesus?' 'Surely not, or they like others would sing louder as screams echo from death train.' 'No, no my brother it is them.' 'Why have they come?' The lone figure pushes gunmen aside. 'Can't go in there!' Guards cry. Heeding them not he stands in the midst of the prisoners. Eyes of surprised prisoners, Eyes of dumb struck guards, Eyes of bold congregation standing at the gate.'What will he do?' 'What can he do?' 'Tomorrow to death camp we go.' But then... Lifting up holy book he roars prophetically the words of Ruth 1:16, 17. A thunder of applause within and outwith the gates. Gates that will not prevail. Guards disband for the W...
Who has all answers? The faithful answer is that I just don't know? Free Will and The Light All pilgrims suffer daily Worship God anyway Not a twisted king Absolute power hungry Micro managing Free will is our choice Humans, angels, and demons Creatures and nature Yes, troubles will come Not all use free will for good Lasting negatives World variables There are good things and bad War: light and darkness Troubles since the Fall Freely, wilfully humans sin Treking east of Eden It's not all judgement Who sinned, man or parents? Born blind for His work Tool of redemption Not suffering judgement Jesus eye opener Light of the world Miraculously heals a man. Was blind, but now I see. Who has all answers? The faithful answer is that Only He surely does *** This poem is based on the following article that I wrote: I don't have all the answers. In fact, the truly faithful answer to some question...
Where is Hope? The Saviour:"Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand." The Martyr: "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." The Prophet: "The Kings of the earth are a vanity, the nations are as a drop in a bucket." The Charlatan and Jester: "Make the mortal vanity and dust of empire great again. We are the greatest" wink, wink, nudge, nudge. The Saints: "His kingdom come." The Sinners: "All hail the wind", grasp, grasp, grasp. The Philosopher: "Are we looking to earthly authorities and powers or above?" The Saviour: "My kingdom is not of this world... all authority in heaven and in earth has been given to me...heaven and earth pass away, but my word is forever." The Prophet: "Of the increase of His government there shall be no end." There is Hope!* *Notes and verses of interest: Kingdom - Mtt 24:14, Col 1:14, There is an eternal kingdom and the great king is ...
And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me. (Psalm 50:15) 20/04/2023 Lord, I lift my voice to you. I call for you in times of peace, in-between times, troubling times and times I can't describe. You assure me that you are a strong deliverer, so I look to you. "Because you live I can face tomorrow"* and with saints and angels I will glorify you our hope and refuge. Hallelujah! Amen. * Based on a line from an old gospel hymn that a late friend use to quote sometimes.
Written during lockdown: Choose the fast Loose the bonds Free the oppressed Break the yoke Divide the bread Feed the hungry House the homeless Clothe the naked Darkness to light Gloom to midday Close your doors Open your hearts Church closed Church deployed Church deployed Essential Gospel Public services Gospel voluntary services Gospel homeless services Gospel food banks Graveside gospel Bands of marriage gospel message Live streams Living streams Gospel food pantry Gospel soup kitchen Gospel meals on wheels Gospel grocery drop offs Gospel food boxes Gospel nappie provisions Gospel clothes release Gospel keyworker childcare Gospel books Gospel bibles Keyworker vacancies Witnesses sign up His church will not disappear into the night She will rise on the wings of the morning Kingdom come Kingdom coming The church is not closed, The church is deployed
I was watching Songs of Praise today and heard about the concept of Celtic Quiet Places. It is a lovely concept and as a contemplative, introverted, autistic, peace seeking Christian it truly spoke to me. Here is the Songs of Praise clip . I wonder if such a movement could be replicated or something similiar launched in the Celtic nations as a whole. Including of course Scotland and north England who are home to Holy Island and the Isle of Iona. I do so long for quiet places where faith can thrive. There is a Facebook link and a website for this movement in Cornwall if you wish to explore further.
I seek you. I long for you. I seek with all my heart. In this world of sin, We need a saviour. 'Seek and ye shall find.' So, I seek, I hunt, I yearn. I sought you, you whom my soul loves. I found you... You found me. In sackcloth and ashes I am found. You call me son, though I say servant. So I arise. You embrace me, 'Abba!' Thankyou for loving me as I am, not just as I should be. Thankyou for finding me, for keeping me.
Grace Alone. My heart yet afar off. Christ dies for me. My heart drawn to Him. Christ rises for me. Grace: Be still and know that I am God. My heart broken. Christ comforts me. My heart angry at, the world, the flesh, the devil and even to my shame family and Him whom I have pierced. Christ calms me. Grace: Be still and know that I am God. My heart yearning for a better world. Christ encourages me. Grace: Be still and know that I am God. Lonely, My heart blessed with a beloved. Desiring a child, My heart blessed with a baby. My heart blessed with family. Grace Alone: Be still and know that I am God. *** Based on my Christian Testimony. Some verses of note - John 3:16 (KJV) 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Ephesians 2:8-10 (KJV) 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. 10 For w...
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