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Showing posts from July, 2023

Death and Nativity

Even death is going to die! Silent night, perhaps not. Holy word, holy life for certain. Born to live, born to love, born to die. Nativity Angels sing, demons tremble, kings panic, wise ones give, shepherds rise. Calvary Angels sing, demons tremble, kings panic, wise ones weep, sheep scatter. Eternity  Angels sing, demons tremble, kings panic, wise ones kneel, found sheep liberated. And death, o death, sting vanquished, swords to ploughshares! Death, o death swallowed by victory! Even death is going to die!


Adore You we do Heaven and nature sing clear Holy holy Lord! *** Confession of sin Unrighteous thought, word, deed, heart Forgive trespasses *** Thanksgiving to You Provider and Sustainer Love, Joy, Peace, Justice *** Supplication now Providences we request You Daily bread, grace, hope Amen *** Based on the prayer method of Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication A.C.T.S.

Behold I Make All Things New

In the valleys of earth stood a tree. A giver of good and evil, a provider of knowledge. All kinds of seed giving plants covered the earth. A beautiful forest. In the gentle wind they sung hymns, a symphony of joy to the creator. One day a darkness fell all across the earth. It was a thick darkness. The seeds shrivelled and died. The trees fell one by one and began to rot. Behold a dry barren wilderness. No life, only death. The prominent tree of the valley provides no good fruit. She is cut down and cast into the fire. Hope seems lost. A valley of dry bones and dead trees. An unstoppable fire. But, the gardener is at work claiming victory over the fire. The fire subsides, but he has only just begun. His will is to breathe life into the earth. Birds eat some of the seeds, rocks prevent growth giving no roots, some choke in the thorns. But, in good soil the mustard seed falls. From the smallest of seeds comes a lonely but mighty tree. Its roots dig deep and it spreads up and out. The tr...

Will You Be Brave?

Eros, Storge Philia Like the musketeers the fourth is the best Agape Would we be so brave? Romantic love He gave me a wife Family love He gave me a family Brotherly love He gave me brethren God's divine love He gave me Himself Would we be so brave? Abba is generous Three times He gives us heaven Eden Calvary Eternity Would we be so brave? Old Noah knew his love Others refused salvation He and his saved in a wooden vessel Man of faith Would we be so brave? One man dies on a wooden Cross to save the human family Some may choose to perish, but this is Not willing that any should perish, kind of love Would we be so brave? The heart of Abba is Agape The heart of Abba is Jesus The beloved son They are one Would we be so brave? Voluntary sacrafice to have a shot at saving all the other children He knows there is one way Would we be so brave? Garden tears Cup cannot pass No other way In that moment He knows Abba's will, that humanity be given a chance. Would we be so brave? Not willing...

Three Zones

Agape hugs Lost found Saved past Saved present What a gift! Future saved Made righteous Purified Revealing His glory Our salvation He is ***  If you belong to Christ, as I do,  You - Have been saved!  That is Justification! Are being saved! That is Sanctification! Will be saved! That is Glorification! That is Salvation in three time zones! That is our king! Above is a short piece based on these beautiful truths. (Some references in support of this Theology - Eph 2.8, 1 Cor 15.2, Ro 8.23)

Keep Watch

The watchman upon the wall. Stand or fall? Fiery darts aimed at all. Keep watch dear friend,  Keep watch The tongue a viper,  the wayward steps, stumbling,  lost,  thoughts frenzy,  tears fall,  lost, alone,  a war within and a war without. Keep watch dear friend, Keep watch Watch Words, Actions, Thoughts, Companions, Heart. Watch Keep watch dear friend, Keep watch The watchman upon the wall. Stand or fall? Fiery darts aimed at all. O I stumble, o how I fall! I can't do it alone my Lord Keep watch dear God, Keep watch of this heart of mine. *** Many years ago while I lived on the Isle of Skye there was a minister who spoke on how we should w.a.t.c.h, for Jesus had said 'Watch and pray'.

Autumn Chill

Version 1 Autumn leaves float - Empty boats adrift on a still loch - Scavenger birds. Version 2 Autumnal leaves float Empty boats upon the Loch Just scavenger birds Version 3 Abandoned boats Autumn leaves Drift on the loch *** I love Autumn, but here I write about a darker feeling. Instead of the beauty and bright colours, the death and chill of a potentially sad season. I experimented with a short form of poetry. These are three versions from my proverbial scrap book.


Knocked down, Getting up. The phoenix rising from ashes. Christians, never accept defeat. Our Lord has conquered all. World, Flesh, Devil Trinity of evil. But, He is of the Father, Son, Spirit Trinity of light. He makes a spectacle of death. His enemies scoff, 'Defeated, crushed forever!' But, risen again, victorious and still rising He encourages us. Storms may rage. Rise from the rubble, Run Do not weary, Walk Do not faint, Mount up on wings like eagles! Rise up church, Roar like a mighty lion! ln Christ is the victory! The phoenix rising from ashes. Knocked down, Getting up.


Rights Assembly Religion Movement Speech Economy Healthcare Breaking, attacked, broken. Have I delved into the realm of conspiracy now? Crazed as guy with antlers? Or shy Highland lad? The only comfort, Opens the book, 'Fear not I have overcome the world.'

My Love is Above

Him: My love is above yours. Beloved: I fail seventy-seven times, yet your mercy remains. Often I stumble Often I fall Often I make fools of us all. Him: My thoughts are above yours. Pardon your brother seventy-seven times. I pardon you. You are pardoned. Beloved: I fail seventy-seven times, yet your mercy remains. Thankyou Lord. If I sinned yet more would your mercy remain? Him: My thoughts are above yours. Do not continue in sin, that grace may abound. Die to sin. Thy sins are forgiven thee, Go and sin no more. Beloved: I fail seventy-seven times, yet your mercy remains. I can't be completely perfect. I make mistakes. The good that I would I do not The evil which I would not, that I do. God forgive me. Him: My thoughts are above yours. You sees the outside I see the heart. Let all examine themselves. Do you love your sin? Do you desire to be free of it for the sake of your first love? Beloved: I fail seventy-seven times, yet your mercy remains. If I love you I wont want sin. I wi...


Nature, gentle wild things and you. The things that I love so true. Walk with me through the woods of life. Hand in hand we will take the strife. Across the valley to the babbling brooks. I will admire your kind looks. Into the wild lands where nature is king. Our love will make us sing. My angelic beloved, you are beautiful forever. Intertwined I will leave you never. Nature, gentle wild things and you. The one that I love so true is you! *** Dedicated to my wife Sarah.

Ready for Good

Version 1 The beauty of salvation The Lord saves us His own merciful grace Ready for good Saved Excused Ready His handiwork Re-created Ready In a world of Dark Hate Oppression Ready Fruit Blessings The path Ready Opportunities Service Ready Light Love Ready Not saved by works Saved by grace Saved to do them Ready for good Are you ready? *** Version 2 The beauty of your salvation!  Lord, you saves us!   Such merciful grace    You repair us for good   You prepare us to do good    Saved   Excused   Restored    We are your handiwork   Re-created   Ready    In a world of  Dark   Hate   Oppression   Ready    Fruit   Blessings   The path   Ready    Opportunities   Service   Ready    Light   And   Love   Ready    We aren't saved by works...

Before the Bomb

Before the Bomb: Look down Earth Life Light The ball of blue The home of hope The garden is good. After the Bomb: Prophet purging Slaughter of lambs The ball of fire The home of hell 'I am become death the destroyer of worlds.' After the fire and into the light: 'We will become one with life the destroyer of death.' Swords to ploughs Spears to pruning hooks The garden to good No turning back Way Truth Life Look up *** Originally written for a Scottish CND poetry contest in 2021.


Remember to STOP sometimes STOP 'Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!'* Like the end of an old telegram message it felt as if God said STOP Work study family Do do do STOP Like the end of an old telegram message it felt as if God said STOP Time and vaccines weaken the variants Debate debate debate STOP Like the end of an old telegram message it felt as if God said STOP Positively positive yet mildly mild symptoms STOP Like the end of an old telegram message it felt as if God said STOP Was it that or something else STOP Like the end of an old telegram message it felt as if God said STOP Isolate quarantine pause reflect breathe Try to breathe STOP Like the end of an old telegram message it felt as if God said STOP Free and clear good to go STOP Like the end of an old telegram message it felt as if God said STOP 'Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!...

Questions - The Poem

Why are we here? Why do the nations rage? Why do the wicked prosper? Where do wars come from? Who am I Lord? What must I do to be saved? Revival, how long Lord? In all our questions you have the answers. Help us to keep asking questions. Help us to listen. Help us to be still and know that you are God.

Angelos - The Poem

You may not see me, but I am near. Travel through time. Travel through space. Travel through eternity. Some have entertained me, but were not aware. The infants, ill, and dying see me most, as I bless them with the heavenly hosts. You are not alone, we are around you, just as we stand before his throne. I repeat, you are not alone. Messengers of love and truth walk among mortal men. You are not alone as we guide you home.

Collateral Damage

You are someones baby, someones child; But they call you collateral damage. You are someones son, someones daughter; But they call you collateral damage. You are someones brother, someones sister; But they call you collateral damage. You are someones father, someones mother; But they call you collateral damage. They call you collateral damage. For they know not what spirit they are of. 

Cometh the Hour

Blow the trumpet.    Send the beast back from whence it came.   Has the beast not had its fill?  Consumer of souls, destroyer of worlds.  Why must the beast have its day?    Send the beast back from whence it came.   Turn back the tide, break the curse, free the world.    Blood and tears, weeping for the night, creation groans.    Calvary tree, earth shaking, stones roll, angels speak.    Ascension.  Pause.    Dark night of the soul.    Send the beast back from whence it came.   Has the beast not had its fill?  Consumer of souls, destroyer of worlds.  Why must the beast have its day?    Send the beast back from whence it came.   Turn back the tide, break the curse, free the world.    Heavenly chariots, trumpet calls, angels sing, swords to plows.    Casting crowns, royal robes, outstretched hand, victory whispers.  ...

Ancient Books

Good books are ancient trees that put down roots deep into our hearts. Well read and well learned good fruits blossom.    *** Beautiful trees.  Old and even ancient.  Oracles of truth.  Knowledge chambers for the heart.  Stems grow into blossoms.    *** Falling leaves.  Autumn's clock.  Like fading pages.  Literature of a different kind.  

From a Scream to a Whisper

There is a scream way down deep in my heart and soul.  A primitive scream of mourning, anger and pain.  A scream that should it erupt would shatter worlds.  A scream that if possible would awaken the ancestors and echo into the generations.  A scream that would make demons tremble and angels take notice.  It is not my scream alone, but a scream of collective force.  Fires and floods ravaged the years.  War and racial tension shook the earth.  Childish leaders oppressed the innocent and child like.  The species drained the earth of life and resources.  Disease and pestilence attacked the species. 'A pale horse and the one who rides on it is death and hell follows with him.'  What can hold back such a scream?  In my minds eye I see an empty old rugged cross, an empty tomb, creation groaning in birth pains, hope even in the darkness.  In my minds eye the scream becomes a whisper, "Be still all peoples, be still creation, be ...

The Church is Not Closed

Written during lockdown: Choose the fast Loose the bonds Free the oppressed Break the yoke Divide the bread Feed the hungry House the homeless Clothe the naked Darkness to light Gloom to midday Close your doors Open your hearts Church closed Church deployed Church deployed Essential Gospel Public services Gospel voluntary services Gospel homeless services Gospel food banks Graveside gospel Bands of marriage gospel message Live streams Living streams Gospel food pantry Gospel soup kitchen Gospel meals on wheels Gospel grocery drop offs Gospel food boxes Gospel nappie provisions Gospel clothes release Gospel keyworker childcare Gospel books Gospel bibles Keyworker vacancies Witnesses sign up His church will not disappear into the night She will rise on the wings of the morning Kingdom come Kingdom coming The church is not closed, The church is deployed

He Has Wonder

The God with many names, He has wonder. Who do you say I am? A question to his disciples A question to all of us? He is Father His name is hallowed He and the son are one. Meditate on the holiness of his names. Hundreds of names, Hundreds of qualities. God of Wonders. Infinitely wonderful. Creator King. Names upon names, Name above all names. God of all magnificent Wonder God of all ordinary Wonder God of the everyday Wonder God of miracle Wonders God of simple Wonders God of resurrection wonder God who raised Christ God who raises up the needy God who raises us from the pit. Blessings of wonder Blessings new every morning. Blessings of creation Blessings of life. He promises that all things can be made new Creation groans like a woman in birth pains. Yet a little longer The suffering of this time shall surely pass. He and His kingdom are coming little by little, wonder, by wonder. He is our hope of new life in a dying world. He is God of Wonders and is truly wonderful. The God with ma...

Life in Creation

Life, It's a journey. Even better, A pilgrimage. We are born into the world needing love, Needing peace. One of the most basic human needs is to love and be loved. Some may find that special someone, Some may not. Some may have the joy of children, Some may not. But, we can all seek and share love. Wonderfully we can also all appreciate the love and peace of creation. Birds chirping, flowers blooming, butterflies fluttering. What a beautiful world it is. This is life. 

Letter to the 'Leaders'

From whence cometh wars and rumours of war? Lust for power as you sacrifice at the altar of your gods. Lust for wealth, the love of which is the root of all evil. Lust that fills the streets with rivers of blood. Lust that burns children alive in the name of "a higher cause." Lust in the name of dark liquid and swords. Lust in the name of your false god Ares. From whence cometh wars and rumours of war? Your lusts! 

New World

I once had a dream of a new world. I saw a city of crystals, pearls and gold, full of light, guarded by angels of old. There was no night The city was bright. A river of pure love flowed through. There was no death for me and you. No dying, no crying, no sinning. A place of no pain or sorrow. It is the world of tomorrow. 


(Two Versions) 1. Beautiful sunshine. Fields of buttercups. Lambs playing in the spring. Dark clouds of poison smoke. Fields of bones and bodies. No one and no creature plays in 'no man's land'. Sunshine breaking through the clouds in a blue sky. Fields golden and ripe for harvest. Blackened sky. No light or life. No one to harvest, no harvest. All that is left is the aftermath of slaughter. God forgive our heartless species. God forgive us! *** 2. I stood still in my favourite field and breathed deeply, taking it all in: Beautiful sunshine. Fields of buttercups. Lambs playing in the spring. Only days after I stood again in my favourite field, wide eyed, mouth open, trembling: Dark clouds of poison smoke. Fields of bones and bodies. No one and no creature plays in 'no man's land'. Only days before: Sunshine breaking through the clouds in a blue sky. Fields golden and ripe for harvest. But, now: Blackened sky. No light or life. No one to harvest, no harvest. All ...

Not in Thy Name

Cruelty and punishment. They say in thy name. Do they know what manner of spirit they are of? Killing and wholesale slaughter. They say in thy name. Do they know what manner of spirit they are of? Not in thy name. Not in my name. In theirs. Not in thy name.

War Child

Another body on an empty street. No wave of flags for this child. No red, white and blue. No streets lined with mourners. No drum beat or trumpet call. No red flowers or wreaths. No moment silence or vigil mass. Worst of all: No faith, No hope, No love, None is given. This is the death of another nations child.


Grace Alone. My heart yet afar off. Christ dies for me. My heart drawn to Him. Christ rises for me. Grace: Be still and know that I am God. My heart broken. Christ comforts me. My heart angry at, the world, the flesh, the devil and even to my shame family and Him whom I have pierced. Christ calms me. Grace: Be still and know that I am God. My heart yearning for a better world. Christ encourages me. Grace: Be still and know that I am God. Lonely, My heart blessed with a beloved. Desiring a child, My heart blessed with a baby. My heart blessed with family. Grace Alone: Be still and know that I am God. *** Based on my Christian Testimony. Some verses of note -  John 3:16 (KJV) 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Ephesians 2:8-10 (KJV) 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. 10 For w...