This is the End

Lay down together, friends.
Roar lion, roar!
Silent lamb to slaughter.
A child will lead them.
Lay down together, friends.
Speak and nations bow.
Swords to ploughs.
The harvest is plenty.
Lay down together, friends.
Prince of peace.
Hallelujah, angels sing.
Saints awake.
Lay down together, friends.
Lay down on holy ground.
Lay down your weapons.
Lay down your burdens.
Lay down together, friends.
This is the end.


This Weeks Top of the Posts

The Light that Remains

The still small voice

Spurgeon for Peace!

Take Heart: A Catechism

Getting to Know Me: Some TV I Like

Coronation Day Blog Post: May We Lead A Quiet Peaceable Life


His Kingdom Come