The Disconnect

An increasing symptom post pandemic:

As people could not go to church, they watched it, and now the truth is out. We should not neglect the assembling of the saints. But, who says it should look anything like it does now? 

There is a profound disconnect from church, particularly the structures.

Not the gospel, the kingdom, or the king. 

Just the systems, entertainment, rituals, stand-up shows, cliques, pop culture, movement mentality, denominationalism, celebrity preachers, clergy over laity, "worship" gigs, prosperity preaching, structures suited to middle-class Christians at exclusion of others, expensive or time consuming trainings, gap or internships years where people pay to work for free, membership systems that have no biblical basis and have more in common with cults or fraternities than the kingdom of God, meetings based on the latest trends, constant programs and demands of already burnt out members, no sounding board for grievances, no room for doubt or dual affiliation, segregation of children, youth, men, women, disabled into various ministries (some subtley, some not so much), neurotypical and extrovert preferential treatment...

Lacking fellowship. Lacking communion. Lacking baptisms. Lacking participation. Lacking priesthood of all. Lacking simple gospel messages. Lacking simplicity.

Losing hope. Losing focus. Losing any resemblance of the upper room.

Not all churches are like this on every point, but we must ask:

Do we worship our worship, our systems, our entertainment, or Jesus?

How did Jesus worship?

What would Jesus do? (Remember, flipping tables was an option!)

We need a reformation. We need a revival. We need a reformission. We need a radical restructuring. 

We need Jesus at the head of the table (yet He washes our feet!) We and our agendas must decrease, and He must increase.

So go and be church. Our 95 thesis is the gospel and the early church. Nail that to your heart as you go into the high ways and byways of life to invite people to a banquet, not a religious system. 


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