There is a scream way down deep in my heart and soul. A primitive scream of mourning, anger and pain. A scream that should it erupt would shatter worlds. A scream that if possible would awaken the ancestors and echo into the generations. A scream that would make demons tremble and angels take notice. It is not my scream alone, but a scream of collective force. Fires and floods ravaged the years. War and racial tension shook the earth. Childish leaders oppressed the innocent and child like. The species drained the earth of life and resources. Disease and pestilence attacked the species. 'A pale horse and the one who rides on it is death and hell follows with him.' What can hold back such a scream? In my minds eye I see an empty old rugged cross, an empty tomb, creation groaning in birth pains, hope even in the darkness. In my minds eye the scream becomes a whisper, "Be still all peoples, be still creation, be ...
Who has all answers? The faithful answer is that I just don't know? Free Will and The Light All pilgrims suffer daily Worship God anyway Not a twisted king Absolute power hungry Micro managing Free will is our choice Humans, angels, and demons Creatures and nature Yes, troubles will come Not all use free will for good Lasting negatives World variables There are good things and bad War: light and darkness Troubles since the Fall Freely, wilfully humans sin Treking east of Eden It's not all judgement Who sinned, man or parents? Born blind for His work Tool of redemption Not suffering judgement Jesus eye opener Light of the world Miraculously heals a man. Was blind, but now I see. Who has all answers? The faithful answer is that Only He surely does *** This poem is based on the following article that I wrote: I don't have all the answers. In fact, the truly faithful answer to some question...
On the road to Emmaus two fellows entered fellowship with God. 'Did not our hearts burn within us...' These fellows of the fellowship of the upper room journeyed: Sorrow? Fear? Is it over? Dead! Joy? Courage? Just begun? Alive! Turn the world upside down. He turns hearts upside down. The work is finished, but just begun.
Reading: Acts 3:1-10 Peter heals a beggar who can’t walk Peter has changed. "One day Peter and John..." John (the beloved) has brought the restored Peter who had so strongly denied Jesus along. There is a sense of being relational and intentional. Peter has changed. "It was three o’clock in the afternoon. It was the time for prayer." They intentionally went to pray. They didn't give up praying but intentionally prayed at a given time. They went to a public place, not the privacy of the upper room but the temple. Peter has changed. "Then Peter took him by the right hand and helped him up." Peter is not drawing swords or being wildly outspoken. But, humbly and gently ministering to those in need. He is not a man of the sword but a man of prayer. Peter has changed. (Quotes from NIRV).
Take Heart A Catechism By David Holdsworth FREE DOWNLOAD Authors Note: There are many good Catechisms available. But, somewhere along the line Christians in many parts of the church at large seem to have lost this age old practice of simple instruction in the format of questions and answers. In no way is this little contribution meant to take away from good Catechisms already written, but rather to be a compliment to them. This is a simple way for me to share the good news with others. It is my hope that you the reader or listener may find biblical help from the simplicity of the good news. I have included biblical proofs as standard so you may go and examine the scriptures (and indeed your heart) for yourself. Pax et Bonum. (1) Q. What comfort may be found for the believer? A. A heart that need not have trouble or fear. One that can rely on God in troubled times and that can glorify His name. Proofs. John 14:27, Psalm 46:1, Psalm 50:15 (2) Q. What message does scriptures gi...
I have started a project of adapting some of my poems into prayers. This is the first instalment of that project. I will likely adapt it into a book or ebook. Watch this space. Suffering Lord, Who has all answers? Surely only you. We often have questions in life. For many questions the faithful answer is "I just don't know". This can be hard for us as we don't have the bigger picture yet. But, just as we see through the glass dimly one day we will see all things face to face. We can argue the impact of free will in answer to some questions. We can argue the power of your infinite light and love to other questions. But, some of the hardest questions are around the issue of suffering. In life all your true pilgrims suffer. Just as all humans. Some daily. Yet they inspire us as they worship you in the storms of life, just as your son who wept, but never waivered. You are not a twisted king. You are not absolutely power hungry. You are not a micro-manager. You are love,...
Grace Alone. My heart yet afar off. Christ dies for me. My heart drawn to Him. Christ rises for me. Grace: Be still and know that I am God. My heart broken. Christ comforts me. My heart angry at, the world, the flesh, the devil and even to my shame family and Him whom I have pierced. Christ calms me. Grace: Be still and know that I am God. My heart yearning for a better world. Christ encourages me. Grace: Be still and know that I am God. Lonely, My heart blessed with a beloved. Desiring a child, My heart blessed with a baby. My heart blessed with family. Grace Alone: Be still and know that I am God. *** Based on my Christian Testimony. Some verses of note - John 3:16 (KJV) 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Ephesians 2:8-10 (KJV) 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. 10 For w...
What if we aren't the "goodies" after all? What if propaganda from all sides of all conflicts reveals a darker truth? There are no heroes only villains and their victims. The broken cisterns of this world are truly overflowing. There are no righteous, no not one! There never have been, for all our supposed righteousness is as filthy rags. It is a sad reality that so many, even those of the faith, seem to effectively kneel before Ares. This idolatry of violence and war is in such contrast to worshiping at the feet of the Prince of Peace. Sometimes it feels as if the entire world is marching toward destruction and chaos. Worst of all is that we know the mistakes made in our histories, but we seem to learn nothing from history (other than that we learn nothing). We do it all again and again. Sin after sin. When posterity comes to judge us will they look upon the arms trade unchecked, the governments unhindered in iniquity an...
My life and soul were parched. In a proverbial land of hunger and thirst, despair seemed inevitable. I cried to you like many times before. You, Lord are faithful. Like Moses striking the rock my thirst was quenched. Like Manna from heaven my hunger was satisfied. You are faithful from generation to generation. Blessed be your name. Amen More poetry, links and free downloads at Line of Poetry
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