Fix our eyes



Are we prepared to follow you the mighty lamb of God whithersoever?

Strengthen us that we may do so.

Lord, you can do as you choose and who are we to question one such as thee.

You dispense miracles as you see fit, for your own glorious purposes.

Yet, sometimes it seems you don't give us exactly what we ask for. Whatever your reasoning help us to trust in you.

Sometimes healings just doesn't seem to come. Or some other long sought miracle. But, your word confirms that the rain will fall on the just and the unjust. You also tell your people to expect suffering in this world, but to fear not for you have overcome the world.

Even when a healing or miracle does occur we all know we will all grow ill again and one day surely die. But, in Christ we can have eternal life.

So inspire us to trust in your sovereign choices and not trust only in getting what we want in this life.

Lead us to stop fixing our eyes on the storms, hard as that is for us, in this fading world, and to rather fix our eyes on the Christ of heaven.

All for your glory, Amen


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