But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt 19:14) Children of Abba lift your eyes to Him. He knows our hearts. He is Father. We are sons. Heirs of His grace. He knows we work hard in trying times. He has known days of toil. Days of labour. He knows we get burntout at times. He wept over Jerusalem and in the garden. Jesus wept. He knows our tiny mustard seed faith faulters at times. He knows what it is to be tempted. Yet He endured. Our childlike hands must join His as He guides us to safety. Become childlike not childish. Our weakness will fade like mist as His strength becomes our strength. Become childlike not childish. Our Abba, Our Father. Lift your eyes to Him. (A devotion originally written for team forum while working at Redwoods Caring Foundation with slight adjustments...
Free Verse, Stories and Devotions. (A minimalist blog of creative writing).