
Showing posts from October, 2024

Things I wrote in 2009 or earlier (3): Non-violent and Radical

Despite the fact that Christianity initially was a non-violent radical movement of God's people, many today who claim to be of Christ seem to see war as needed and even God ordained. Such blasphemy is hardly new. Since the days of Constantine (I) when the State and the Church made an unholy alliance, the deception of redemptive warfare has been clung to like a life belt. Yet, ever since the time of Jesus the Messiah and prophets before Him many radicals (often persecuted and outcast) have questioned the morality of war. Now in the 21st century generations are also rising up against the war machine among both the secular and spiritual sector of society. They recognise that war is for power, economy and pride, not justice or peace. Long may these voices in the wilderness be heard, as they prepare the way for the Lord, who when he comes again will be the undoing of evil and the establiaher of a kingdom not of this world that will live in peace forever!!!

Things I wrote in 2009 or earlier (2): The Unthinkable

He stands upon a hill. His hair blows in the wind, as does his tartan kilt. Upon his cheek is a tear drop. It gently runs down his face. His eyes are wide with shock. From his mouth comes the terrifying words: "It's over." His hands and legs begin to shake. His shepherd staff falls to the ground. He soon follows. Upon his knees he weeps and starts to push his head to the ground. "No, no, no! Please God no!" Then he lifts his head to look one more time. He stares across the highland landscape toward the distance where the city use to be. A dark mushroom cloud towers above the landscape The unthinkable has happened. There is no more time for protests or campaigns. The ignorance of many including of course many leaders has led to this moment. Scotland the brave is now Scotland the doomed. In his heart he knows other cities will fall in other nation. The unthinkable has begun. *** My dear friends, it does not have to end like this. Now is the time for action. We mus...

Things I wrote in 2009 or earlier (1): Prayer for Peace

God of Love, whose Gospel is Peace. We pray that through your Divine Love, that Peace would come. Together we say, May Peace Prevail on Earth. In saying this we also know that we are to be your hands and feet in this world. Therefore, loving God, enable us to be the change we wish to see in the world around us. Let us be witnesses for peace and let our peace testimony have an impact on the whole world. All for your glory and the improvement of the human race. In the name of our Sweet Prince of Peace, Amen. (Also appeared as a guest post at Poetry Corner in 2009).

Hello darkness, my old friend

I saw a video recently advertising a new film about Dietrich Bonhoeffer. The trailer played The Sound of Silence as Nazis tore down the true church and hoisted the swastika. It was actually very moving in exposing sin. Especially when it said two lines, one is the title of this post. "Hello, darkness, my old friend." The other was, "They kneeled to the neon god they made." Incidentally neon is an artificial lighting that is unpleasant for people with sensory issues. It is a false light! On a totally separate day, I was watching BBC bitesize with my wee boy, and one of the teachers was explaining that "light can't be created or destroyed." It was a whole science thing. But, almost immediately, it made me think of Jesus the light of the world who, being God, was not created and can not be destroyed.  Therefore, let us remember in this dark season both metaphorically and spiritually that the light still shines! Even as sin and evil once again ...

Come in, come now, my love. Come and be reconciled with your Abba

When Adam and Eve, who once literally walked with God, chose to disobey God and end a right relationship with him, they were banished from Eden. Ever since, as a species, we have journeyed east of Eden.  A big stop sign in angelic form stopped them from entering the garden of God's presence again. It was effectively saying, "Because of your sin, you can't go in." In the temple age, a similar stop sign blocked the way in the form of a curtain. This curtain blocked the way to the holy of holies. Only the high priest dared enter into his presence to offer atoning sacrifice for the people. The stop sign was still saying, "Because of your sin, you can't go in." One day, the Father sent his very own son, who chose to be the true and final sacrifice and atonement. The stop sign was ripped from top to bottom. It once said, "Because of your sin, you can't go in." But, now it says,"Come in, come now, my love. Come and be reconciled w...

Pioneers of Liberty

"Who were the Anabaptists? Radical reformers - Church planters - Peace activists - Pioneers of liberty" - From an advert for an online course in the Anabaptist Mennonite Network Newsletter, Summer 2024 Are you pro this side, or another side is normally a subtle way of asking who you are against rather than who you are for. People are good at knowing who they are against. Sadly, less able to see what they are for.  I have long held that all true pacifists should protest all sides of all wars. All combatants have blood on their hands no matter how justified they think that is. Pacifists can not take sides with anyone other than the civilians, victims, and aid workers. God is no respecter of persons, and neither should we be. Perhaps we should be more like the early anabaptists, who actively loved both Catholic and Protestant warring factions. Many of both sides hunted them without mercy. As a result, many anabaptists were drowned or burnt at the stake across Europe ...

Of Spears and Stones

Young David of Old Testament fame dodged a spear thrown at him by wicked King Saul. In contrast, Jesus, son of David, takes a spear for us on the cross. Blood and water mingled down. In this kingly sacrificial act, He prepares the way for the day when spears become pruning hooks and swords become ploughs. In the Old Testament, Goliath gets a stone right in the forehead from David and falls. He was a bad man and suffers the result in this the old way of conflict. In contrast, Saint Stephen, a righteous man, resists not evil and prays for his persecutors. He takes stone after stone from the religious and prays. "Forgive them." This is the new way of non-resistance.


It used to be said Jesus Others Yourself spells JOY! There is certainly truth to it. However, Jesus also said, to love our enemies and to do unto others as we would have done to us. This implies a level of loving ourselves. Someone once said, "Jesus said to love my enemies. So I did. I started by loving myself." This requires knowing who we are in Christ and accepting His love of us despite merits or indeed the lack thereof. This requires us to see ourselves as He sees us not as the accuser does. Sure, He sees our sins, but He sees deeper and beyond all that to a child he died for, is willing to forgive and truly loves. In that there is indeed joy.

Not Woke, but Awake

Not Woke*, but Awake Woke is used as an insult Woke is used for easily offended  But, people need to awaken. (Awaken to better grammar!) Awaken to not being insulting as a moral choice  Awaken to not being easily offended as a life choice If you are awake, you will see things are not right in the world and stand for what is right either way. Are you woke, awakening, or awake? * Woke is mainly used as a US slang word.  Oxford Learners Dictionary:  ​ aware of social and political issues and concerned that some groups in society are treated less fairly than others.  This word is often used in a disapproving way by people who oppose new ideas and political change and think that some other people are too easily upset about these issues.

A Blether about Autism

In some ways, I feel it may have helped to know I was autistic sooner.  In the same breath, the 1990s and 2000s were a time of bullying for a lot of people. I was a loner, so my torment was probably less because no one knows what to do with outsiders or how they will react. Also, we can fly under the radar. None the less I did get bullied at times. I was always different, and bullies hate that even if they can't put a finger on what made me different or why. As a lonely sort, I often adopted my sisters friends or they adopted me. I'm even married to one. My favourite one! So I at least had a few friends. Being raised on a Scottish Island and going to a wee primary school (good as they were with me), I don't think support would have been available on any level it is to kids now. I am genuinely happy that progress is being made for the young. I do wish there was more support for adults. But, delighted for the young ones. It is a brave new neurodivergent world. Kno...

What a Sermon!

I've never understood how or why so many supposedly devout Christians are so dead against everything Jesus said in the sermon on the mount. Perhaps now is a good time as a species and as Christians to get back to it and really let it sink in. Then actually go live it. (I speak as unto myself also).

Two Gardens

In the garden of Eden Adam and Eve walk and talk with God. They willingly walk away from The Way. They hide. They are banished from Eden, and death takes hold. In the garden of Gesthamine, Jesus kneels and talks with God. The disciples sleep and then run away from The Way. They hide. Jesus allows himself to be banished from life via the cross, and death loses its grip.  Jesus rises again!

Ares or Christós?

What if we aren't the "goodies" after all?  What if propaganda from all sides of all conflicts reveals a darker truth?  There are no heroes only villains and their victims. The broken cisterns of this world are truly overflowing.  There are no righteous, no not one!  There never have been, for all our supposed righteousness is as filthy rags. It is a sad reality that so many, even those of the faith, seem to effectively kneel before Ares.  This idolatry of violence and war is in such contrast to worshiping at the feet of the Prince of Peace.  Sometimes it feels as if the entire world is marching toward destruction and chaos.  Worst of all is that we know the mistakes made in our histories, but we seem to learn nothing from history (other than that we learn nothing).  We do it all again and again.  Sin after sin. When posterity comes to judge us will they look upon the arms trade unchecked, the governments unhindered in iniquity an...

Jesus is the prize!

What if heaven (the future place) isn't the prize.  What if Jesus is the prize.  What if heaven is actually now but not yet, as well as a future place.   What if heaven is the rebirth of a relationship with God in Christ. He is our goal, and the heavenly realm is by proxy our new home both now and in a future sense. Our goal is not a future destination but love itself, for He is love.  Yes, Jesus is the prize!

Celtic Quiet Places

  I was watching Songs of Praise today and heard about the concept of Celtic Quiet Places. It is a lovely concept and as a contemplative, introverted, autistic, peace seeking Christian it truly spoke to me. Here is the Songs of Praise clip .   I wonder if such a movement could be replicated or something similiar launched in the Celtic nations as a whole. Including of course Scotland and north England who are home to Holy Island and the Isle of Iona. I do so long for quiet places where faith can thrive. There is a Facebook link and a website for this movement in Cornwall if you wish to explore further.

Happy World Animal Day


Hello October!
