
Showing posts from July, 2024

Serving Jesus like Elizabeth Fry

Today's devotion on my Our Daily Bread app* talked about Elizabeth Fry. I highly recommend finding out about her work reforming prisons. She was a Christian Quaker, I believe. I think there is a good passage on her in Yarns on Social Pioneers by Hayes. An excellent little vintage book. But, if you can't get a copy of that, I am sure there are other good accounts of her life and work. If it weren't for her and other reformers works we might still be hanging children and committing all kinds of evils as a society! "When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?" - Matthew 25:39 NIV** *Follow the app link to find the devotion in question. **Follow the verse link for greater context of this scripture.

I am Autistic, I am not a stereotype! Audio Video


I am Autistic, I am not a stereotype!

I am not a stereotype. I am Autistic.  Yes, I am white male.  But, not that young anymore, so not fully fitting the media stereotype.  I am also not a Savant.  I have key interests and areas I am good at.  I prefer saying Type 1 to Aspergers (in light of revelations about Hans Aspergers work with the Nazis who are the opposite of all I believe in). No, I do not have any particular known additional learning disabilities. I am Socially Anxious and a shy Introvert. I am not a superhero, although I do follow one! I am not the result of vaccines or refrigerator parenting. I am not void of empathy. I am a highly sensitive empath who cares deeply for a fallen world. I am a bit quirky and a gentle soul. I am who I am. I am Autistic. I am not a stereotype.

A short devotion for today: The Light

"The light shines in the dark, and the dark cannot put out the light." (John 1:5 Easy English Bible) In the cross reference and notes of the Easy English Bible it says "The Word (Jesus Christ) is like light. He shows us what is true. The dark means the power of God's enemy, Satan. Satan tries to hide what is true. God's light shines in the dark places and Satan cannot stop that light. Jesus said that he himself was the light of the world." It suggests two other verses:  [1] John 8:12 - "Jesus spoke to the people again. He said, ‘I am the light of the world. a. Those people who become my disciples will never walk in the dark. No, they will have the light that gives life.’" (a. Jesus said that he was the light of the world. The Jews lit a special light in the temple during the Festival of Tabernacles.) [2] John 9:5 - "While I am still here in the world, I am the world's light.’" In history and in our own lifetimes there has been both li...